I got raped by my mother’s bf for years and my whole family knew it. Today i can’t trust anyone and can’t let anyone near me. For the same reason I can’t see doctors – especially dentists and gynecologist are an absolute no go – so if I’m sick, I stay sick, I deal with the pain, mentally and physically. Thanks for reading! Don’t do it! Don’t hurt children!


5 Responses

  1. It hurts my heart to know you are in pain. No one should be harmed, no one should suffer, no one should be raped. However, we know from the scientific literature that not all adult-minor sexual interactions are harmful. Hopefully this issue can be studied further, so we can prevent the kind of pain you have been caused but also not stigmatize this phenomenon or attraction whole cloth.

    I feel great sympathy to know you were hurt and still suffer. However, I wish you hadn’t appropriated the term “girllover,” which originates within our community, because most of us, like most people generally, are good people who don’t wish to see anyone hurt. Once again I am sorry you are in pain and I truly wish you all the best.

    -a girllover

  2. Please know that many of us feel pain too: we feel ostracized, we feel depressed, we are made to feel shame even when we have broken no law. Many of us have been and are suicidal. So I genuinely feel empathy for you, whether you believe that or not. No one should feel these things. Let’s try to move towards a more productive way of addressing this issue in society, for the sake of everyone.

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